Witte vlam
Muu nimi/muut nimet: Flamme blanche
White flame
Lajityyppi: Experimental film
Vuosi: 1930
Kesto: 00:00:00
Kuvaus: The original screenplay told the story of a young man from the countryside with a city education: a boorish, violent character filled with a desperate, purely urban unease. Dekeukeleire transformed him into a butcher who commits an act of rebellion during a political demonstration at the foot of the Yser Tower (with authentic images of the 1930 meeting) which is being suppressed brutally by the authorities. White Flame secretes a drifting air of unreality straight out of Buñuel, born out of 'carnal' close-ups and an editing style which owes a great deal to Soviet films of that period.
The original screenplay told the story of a young man from the countryside with a city education: a boorish, violent character filled with a desperate, purely urban unease. Dekeukeleire transformed him into a butcher who commits an act of rebellion during a political demonstration at the foot of the Yser Tower (with authentic images of the 1930 meeting) which is being suppressed brutally by the authorities. White Flame secretes a drifting air of unreality straight out of Buñuel, born out of 'carnal' close-ups and an editing style which owes a great deal to Soviet films of that period.
Avainsanat: World War, 1914-1918 -- Art and the war / Autonomy and independence movements / Nationalism / War and society / World War, 1914-1918 -- Motion pictures and the war / World War, 1914-1918 -- Belgium / pélerinages / bedevaarten / manifestations / betogingen / catholicisme / katholicisme / marchés / markten / prêtres / priesters / audience / audiëntie / drapeaux / vaandels / ponts / bruggen / rivières / rivieren / monuments / monumenten / Première Guerre mondiale / Eerste Wereldoorlog / commémorations / herdenkingen / gendarmerie / rijkswacht / discipline / discipline / bagarres / rellen / hôtels de ville / stadhuizen / Rombaut, Willem / Rombaut, Willem / Daels, Frans / Daels, Frans / Streuvels, Stijn / Streuvels, Stijn / Van Acker, E. H. / Van Acker, E. H. / Katholieke Vlaamsche Volkspartij / Katholieke Vlaamsche Volkspartij / Belgique / België / Dixmude / Diksmuide / cérémonies militaires / militaire plechtigheden / cérémonies / plechtigheden / Europe / Europa / religions / religies / guerres / oorlogen / mouvement flamand / Vlaamse Beweging
Sisältölähde: Cinémathèque Royale de Belgique
Oikeudet: In Copyright / CRB/KBF
Väri: Black & White
Ohjaaja: Dekeukeleire, Charles
Sound: Without sound
Language: nl